October CallingI‘m driving down a road of my small city down south where the calls of the blackbirds have become a familiar sound. They gather together…Oct 21, 2024Oct 21, 2024
Letting Go of the ActWhy are we always trying to prove ourselves to others? Why do we seek approval from those around us and society? Why do we feel the need…Jun 22, 2024Jun 22, 2024
Creating YourselfAs I was perusing through instagram as one does, I came across a quote:Mar 5, 2024Mar 5, 2024
Exploration of New Techniques can Lead to New Ideas — Creative SensibilityThe creative process is a constant learning process and discovering new mediums and techniques is vital and necessary to enhance…Nov 10, 2023Nov 10, 2023
The Wonder of SpaceMore and more often I find myself taking a pause to sit quietly to reflect, to slow down and just to observe and in this silence I become…Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
Published inthe CafeRhythmThe ebb and flow of the wave, pulsating in and out.Jun 6, 20211Jun 6, 20211
InsatiableWhat are we searching for and why does it seem like we never get there. But are we already there? We seek fullfilment in accomplishment…Mar 5, 2021Mar 5, 2021
Embrace the ImperfectArt is about expression, connection and sharing, not about perfection and that’s a lession I’m learning everyday. It’s not that we…Apr 25, 2020Apr 25, 2020